Springfield City Schools Special Education Director, Tamara Wallace shares a few keys for Brolly success!
What brought Springfield City to Brolly?
We are concerned with our 3 C’s–Compliance, Consistency and Check and Balances. Brolly is a tool that addresses all three of those areas.
What aspects or features of Brolly do you find most impactful for your schools?
Log Templates. Once teachers understand log templates, they will speed up the process greatly.
If you were to describe Brolly to a special education colleague considering the tool, what would you say?
You have to make a compelling case for any change–that’s kind of hard given the time and paperwork demands for intervention specialists. For us, we needed to set and communicate local parameters and expectations. We also needed to talk about what SDI is and what it isn’t.

Summarize your decision to pilot Brolly in the spring before a full roll out in the fall. Why was that the right choice for Springfield and why was it a successful approach?
Piloting in the spring allowed our early adopters to help us make a decision about the fit and gave them the opportunity to be leaders for the implementation phase.