Streamline IEP Service Tracking
Replace haphazard IEP service tracking with a sleek, modern app
Uncomplicated Service Tracking
Grid-based data collection makes tracking services easy. Student, date, start and end time, service, setting and associated IEP goal(s) are all captured in each service log. Session notes can also be submitted to provide additional context on content and instruction. No more guessing what data should be collected, educators can efficiently log services in as little as 30 seconds via the website or mobile app.
Uncomplicated Service Tracking
Efficient Logging for Multiple Students
Efficient Logging for Multiple Students
Educators log services for student groups in a single form with custom templates. Students, goals being serviced, session start and end time, and service setting are pre-populated in an educator’s custom templates. We make it even easier by copying general notes to each student which the educator can further individualize. Once the service log is submitted, the information is separated out by IEP goal and attached to each students’ record in Brolly.
Improve Compliance Oversight
Unlike traditional service tracking methods, Brolly dashboards provide administrators visibility into services across their district. Administrators can view dashboards and reports to identify potential compliance issues early. If a student isn’t making progress, administrators can determine whether they’re receiving services per their IEP and see what’s happening during those services.
Improve Compliance Oversight
Trusted by School Districts & Networks Across the US
Book a Demo
See how Brolly streamlines data collection for service minutes and progress, explore dashboards and learn about reports. Demos are 45 minutes and include an overview of the software and time for Q&A.
You're welcome to invite other stakeholders from your school or district to join the demo!