Resources for Special Education Professionals
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Brolly Best
Resources for Administrators
Streamline IEP Tracking with Brolly: Features and Benefits
Harnessing Progress Monitoring to Evaluate the Efficacy of Services for Students on IEPs
Progress monitoring plays a pivotal role in evaluating the effectiveness of services for students on IEPs. By systematically tracking student progress, educators can make informed decisions, refine instructional practices, and ensure that interventions are aligned with each student’s individual needs and goals.
IEP Service Tracking just got easier
Brolly’s new grid logging feature makes logging faster and more efficient for users. Users no longer need to log one service session at a time, but instead can log multiple service sessions and days at once.
CASE Endorsement Announcement
Brolly Special Education Logs is officially endorsed by the Council of Administrators for Special Education (CASE). The prestigous endorsement is the result of a rigorous evaluation conducted by CASE’s Product Review Committee (PRC) over the course of nearly two years.
Specially Designed Instruction, Data and Other Trends Facing Special Education Leaders
We recently had the opportunity to talk with Paul McDonald, owner of Paul McDonald Consulting, about the major topics he’s seeing in special education. Paul helps school districts in areas like specially designed instruction, response to intervention and multi-tiered systems of support. He also consults on eligibility, child find, IEP meetings, and other areas related to exceptional student programs.
What’s New in Brolly: A Summer 2023 Release Preview
Every year, Brolly collects feedback from our customers in an effort to make improvements and better meet the needs of our users. This year, we’re excited to be implementing some pretty significant improvements to our data entry process, as well as a few other bells and whistles, that will make documentation even faster, allow for bulk data entry (particularly helpful for our related services users), and provide administrators with more impactful data dashboards and reports.
Brolly Best Practices: Are service minutes being met? Here’s one way to know.
In response to increased accountability around tracking services and ensuring the minutes meet those outlined in the IEP, Brolly developed a way for teachers and providers to track toward anticipated minutes. Learn more.
Brolly Best Practices: How Communication Between Providers can Help Improve Services
We’ve heard it before, communication is key. Here are four ways communication between providers can help improve services.
Special Education Services
Special education is education that’s modified to meet the needs of a student with disabilities. It’s designed to help a student with disabilities make progress towards annual goals.
Brolly Best Practices: How to Leverage Data for Proactive Professional Development
Special education directors hold significant responsibility when it comes to making sure teachers are constantly learning and improving. Brolly can help you quickly determine what professional development is best for your staff.
How Data can Help Special Education Leaders be Proactive About Staffing
Data transparency allows you to be proactive in attracting and hiring the best possible staff based on your student needs. Here’s how data can help you take a proactive approach to staffing.
Tips for Assessing District Readiness to Support All Students in the Least Restrictive Environment
Educating students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment (LRE) is an important part of IDEA law. As a district leader, you can define steps for your team to regularly evaluate student readiness for movement in the LRE.
Resources for Teachers
IEP Service Tracking just got easier
Brolly’s new grid logging feature makes logging faster and more efficient for users. Users no longer need to log one service session at a time, but instead can log multiple service sessions and days at once.
Special Education Compliance: 101
As education leaders, we have a fundamental responsibility to ensure that every student has access to a quality education that meets their unique needs. For students with disabilities, this responsibility is even more critical.
Brolly Best Practices: How Communication Between Providers can Help Improve Services
We’ve heard it before, communication is key. Here are four ways communication between providers can help improve services.
Special Education Services
Special education is education that’s modified to meet the needs of a student with disabilities. It’s designed to help a student with disabilities make progress towards annual goals.
Brolly Best Practices: 4 Ways to Simplify IEP Meeting Prep
Understand current performance, identify appropriate goals, gain insights into effective supports and accommodations and justify movement in the LRE.
Best Practices for Student Centered IEP Meetings
When students are invested in their services and understand their needs, their outcomes are greater. Student-centered IEP meetings can be held at any developmental level- even if the student isn’t attending the meeting.
4 Reasons Logging Special Education Services is Critical for School Districts
Districts with an established practice of logging services systematically are more equipped to easily share data demonstrating what services were provided, when they were provided and by whom they were provided.
4 Tips for Effective Remote Special Education Services
Get practical insights on how to deliver special education services virtually.
9 Tips for a Good Distance Learning Lesson Using Zoom
As a result of recent events, there is a strong need for virtual meetings. Here are some basics that should have you up and running in no time.
Brolly Best Practices
Streamline IEP Tracking with Brolly: Features and Benefits
IEP Service Tracking just got easier
Brolly’s new grid logging feature makes logging faster and more efficient for users. Users no longer need to log one service session at a time, but instead can log multiple service sessions and days at once.
What’s New in Brolly: A Summer 2023 Release Preview
Every year, Brolly collects feedback from our customers in an effort to make improvements and better meet the needs of our users. This year, we’re excited to be implementing some pretty significant improvements to our data entry process, as well as a few other bells and whistles, that will make documentation even faster, allow for bulk data entry (particularly helpful for our related services users), and provide administrators with more impactful data dashboards and reports.
Brolly Best Practices: Are service minutes being met? Here’s one way to know.
In response to increased accountability around tracking services and ensuring the minutes meet those outlined in the IEP, Brolly developed a way for teachers and providers to track toward anticipated minutes. Learn more.
Brolly Best Practices: How Communication Between Providers can Help Improve Services
We’ve heard it before, communication is key. Here are four ways communication between providers can help improve services.
Brolly Best Practices: How to Leverage Data for Proactive Professional Development
Special education directors hold significant responsibility when it comes to making sure teachers are constantly learning and improving. Brolly can help you quickly determine what professional development is best for your staff.
Brolly Best Practices: 4 Ways to Simplify IEP Meeting Prep
Understand current performance, identify appropriate goals, gain insights into effective supports and accommodations and justify movement in the LRE.
Brolly Best Practices: 2 Ways to Improve IEP Compliance Oversight
Over the last five years, the number of due process complaints regarding IEP compliance has increased. However, demonstrating mastery of goals and completion of service minutes can be difficult without the proper tool.